Learning Monogame Week 0: What I’m Doing and Why

Learning Monogame Week 0: What I’m Doing and Why

Why Am I Doing This?

While it would be disingenuous to say that I’ve only used Unity to make games, it would be equally inaccurate to say that I’m not a ‘Unity Developer’. Whenever I have an idea that I want to prototype, the first tool I grab is Unity. It’s the tool I’m most comfortable with and it’s the foundation of my understanding of how games are made. This, however, is a pretty big problem if I intend to make games in the long term, or even professionally, for a number of reasons.

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How I Made 7 Dollars Making Games (And How You Can Too!)

How I Made 7 Dollars Making Games (And How You Can Too!)

I made my first video game at the end of 2016. It was a Game Maker game called “The Walls Are Closing In”. The game consisted of a man in a room. The walls of the room closed in on him and the screen prompted you to mash a button to keep the walls off. The button didn’t do anything. You died every time. While this doesn’t seem like much, this was the first time, in all my flirting with development, that I made something with a ‘Game Loop’. A way to start, play and start again.

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Introduction & Top 5: Gerald Burke

Introduction & Top 5: Gerald Burke

Hey, I’m Gerald! I like to play and make video games. I also watch stuff sometimes. Mostly TV, because it’s easier, but I do like some movies. I’m going to tell you which ones in this post. Also, I’ll be cheating here. I’m not going to number my list, so I don’t have to make decisions about which of these I like better.

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Memory Card Slot 2: Retro Tunes

Memory Card Slot 2: Retro Tunes

While many modern video games have excellent soundtracks, there is just something so special about 8 & 16-bit era Chiptune scores that quickly bring me back to my younger days either watching my older brothers play the NES or playing them myself and being navigated by my brother on where to go next.

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Memory Card Slot 1: Pokémon

Memory Card Slot 1: Pokémon

November 15, 2019. The day the world gets to step foot in a new Pokémon Region, on a new

system [Let’s Go Pikachu/Eevee are a bit different than a new region, given they are Kanto],

with new Pokémon. So in honor of the new game coming out this Friday, I thought it would be

nice to take a [small] trip down memory lane with Pokémon games prior….

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