
ShadowCrave /Luis -- @ShadowCrave

Gamer Nerd that sucks at video games. But I seriously love’em! I’ve tried out a multitude of different avenues for my artistic side but due to a lack of discipline and follow through I have let a lot of good opportunities pass me by, But thanks to Youtubers like The Gaming Historian and Lazy Game Reviews I have been renewed with an enthusiasm for going back the drawing board and trying this again! This time around I am building this website with the goals to one day rival the likes of Kotaku and Giantbomb (nothing against them, they fucking rule!) but those are my goals! And with your help and support, me, as well as the rest of the Players on this site can have that opportunity! So for that I say: Thank you and I hope you keep coming back to us for years to come! Game on Bitches!!

DuSkRiSnG /Derrick -- @DuSkRiSnG

Hello, I'm DuSk. Player of games, master of none. When I play games I tend to obsess over one that grabs my attention and play it until I just cannot anymore. Movies on the other hand...Well let's say there is an imaginary list that has a ton of movies that most people would find offensive that I haven't seen.


RoyaleJelly /Mark --@robotnuts

Name: Mark Orndorff

Gamer tag: RoyaleJelly, Jelly for short.

I don’t game as much as I did but my first system was an NES. I am a monogamous game player , meaning I usually only play one at a time. Currently I am playing Elder Scrolls Online, I have a Nord and his name is Kun-tar. The game that really changed my gaming life was MAG, it was a PS3 exclusive, a first person shooter that had a 128 online player vs 128 online player game mode.

I have to say that my main contribution to this venture is that I am the movie guy and I dabble in TV. Theater so I was able to watch hundreds of movies and often R rated. My first theater experience was going to see Batman, Michael Keaton and Jack Nicholson.  Don’t ask me my favorite movie because I don’t know and I don’t think anyone should, only because you haven’t seen all the movies and your current mood or what is going on in your life can affect your viewing pleasure.  I find it appalling that I know more people who have seen all of The Fast and Furious movies than have seen Baby Driver, which will be my first review.  Anyways that's all I got.

Jelly out!


Mekabunny/René-- @mekabunny90

“Being human totally sucks most of the time. Video games are the only thing that make life bearable”

~Anorak's Almanac, Chapter 91, Verses1-2

     (Ready Player One- Ernest Cline)

Video games and movies have always provided a means to escape reality. Whether it be traveling across the galaxy aboard the Normandy with a crew of aliens, or traveling to a galaxy far, far away in search of a balance to the force-video games and movies are always there. The stories they tell, and the characters they show us become a part of us, allowing us to see bits of ourselves in each one. They offer us choices that are not always black and white, as well as characters you dislike, but root for anyways sometimes. My hope is to introduce people to games and/or movies they might not have tried out before, to help them find a new adventure to fall in love with. By reading this, you are one step closer to a new adventure.



Name: Gerald Burke

Gamertag: GeraldFIngBurke

Howdy, I’m Gerald! I’m a game, software, and web developer. My passion is making things. My absolute favorite thing to make is video games. This stems from a lifelong love of the medium. I’m on the Hidden Pixel to talk about the process of making games, promote game development literacy, and share the cool stuff that people may not know about in the indie dev community.

As far as the games I play goes, I’m all over the map. There are a handful of large franchises that I follow religiously like Elder Scrolls/Fallout (It’s an abusive relationship, but I’m in love), GTA, Assassin’s Creed, and a few others. Besides that, I primarily play small indie games from the scene and mid-level strategy games like Mount and Blade and Cities Skylines.

Check out my portfolio here!