Review: Star Wars Episode 8: The Last Jedi - Spoiler Free!


Of course I saw Star Wars opening night, what are you insane! Alright, here are the facts: it took me twice watching it to like it. I don’t know if setting around with friends guessing plot points and story arcs hurt my viewing experience but here goes… my review for the first and second time that I saw the movie. 

Director Rian Johnson (Brick and Looper) took the helm of the 8th installment of the saga, I use the word “took” loosely as it is a widely known fact that there is a board who oversees all of the stories and character development so it really truly isn’t all Johnson’s vision. So I feel compelled to start with the negative and go into the positive, again this will be spoiler free as to not truly ruin anyone who reads this movie going experience. 

If I told you Star Wars was the funniest movie I have seen all year, keep in mind I have yet to see The Disaster Artist, would you be surprised? Well I was. The amount of “comedy” inserted into this movie was offensive and honestly done poorly, if you haven’t seen either of the two Rian Johnson movies I listed then you should know that they are as far from comedies as you can get and if you don’t make comedies then you shouldn’t try to put levity into a saga that has done with comedy thus far. After the opening comedy routine I felt like I qualified for a #metoo story because they raped my childhood! Comedy has its place and time in 99% of all movies, it can break the tension of a tense moment like in most horror films, it can make a seemingly unlikable character likable and can make you laugh. After two screenings I have yet to laugh. So beware not funny comedy bits ahead, proceed with caution.

We got new force powers! That’s right all my little padawans there, we have been exposed to new force powers that 7 movies before have yet to show us. While this truly didn’t bother me personally I have heard viewers taking umbrage with these new found force powers. However there is one thing that I am the only person to either notice or care.  Luke is constantly lounging and not like being lazy --he is very busy on his island-- but when he talks to Rey when sitting criss-cross-applesauce would be appropriate he is setting on his side resting on his elbow? He either has a bad back or he is expecting Rey to start feeding him grapes. Again these additions to the characters and story did not bother me. 

So let’s talk characters.  I really liked what they have done with Kylo Ren, I don’t think he will be more popular than Vader only because they let Kylo talk a lot. Kylo has a depth and vision that they reveal and when they reveal it, it rockets him to the top of the best Star Wars character chart. Rey stays Rey and Luke is just as you expect Luke to be. 

The running time of Episode 8 comes in at about 2 hours and 45 minutes, should be around 2 hours but they wanted to take you on a journey and while that extra time is about as entertaining as a family trip to Wal-Mart where your parents already said you aren’t getting anything but you still have to go. 

I have seen bigger bastardizations of franchises; I wouldn’t honestly say this is a bastardization of Star Wars. So given the fact that I don’t do rating I am left with a hard choice…To see or not to see that is the question. If you are like me and have spent your entire life consuming Star Wars: movies, shows, comics, books, toys and even the ever elusive Star Wars Holiday Special, then yes go see it. The last half hour will make your light saber come out of its hilt. If you have only seen The Force Awakens or you are reading this and don’t have a clue about what I am saying don’t see it, go watch Spaceballs and enjoy your naivety. 

​Review: Sleeping With Other People


Released  in 2015 and just recently found a home on Netflix, this Romantic Comedy starring Jason Sudeikis and Alison Brie is about two people who lost their virginity together back in the early 2000’s and end up going their separate ways. Flash forward and they both have intimacy and relationship problems. In 2015 this plot should have seemed dated, so let me really break it down for you. People who are better looking than you, make more money than you, have more/better sex than you, and have better jobs than you set around and cry about how hard life is because they can’t find love. While the chemistry between Sudeikis and Brie is there and they really try to deliver the movie should have been about Sudeikis’s friend and business partner Xander, played by Jason Mantzoukas. Mantzoukas, while probably unknown to most, is amazing! His comedic timing and delivery lands in every scene he is in. If it wasn’t for Mantzoukas I would say you don’t need to see this movie, unless you and your significant other are looking into nontraditional foreplay methods. Mantzoukas is however in the movie and for as little screen time that he gets it is worth the time spent watching this movie just so you can get familiar with who this comedic genius is.

Questions to ask yourself, was Jason Sudeikis considered a sex symbol before he married his model/actress wife Olivia Wilde? Could Alison Brie be anymore perfect? Why don’t more people know who Jason Mantzoukas is?

Just an FYI Mantzoukas isn’t on social media so you can catch him on the series The League, its finished but still worth a watch, the shop owner in Dirty Grandpa the Robert De Niro  vehicle, The Dictator, voices HBO’s Animals, Netflix Big Mouth and Lego Batman.

Jelly out!
